Founding Cats
Every rescue cat has a story to tell and senior cats really know how to steal your heart while telling you that their past story isn't important. What they are most grateful for is the story you will create with them in their final days, weeks, months or years.
These are the cats that sparked our Founder's love affair with senior cats and ignited the creation of Senior Cat Action Network. Often times these beloved cats had such severe medical issues that their time with our Founder was cut way too short. Our hope is to provide assistance to senior cats as soon as possible, to improve their chances of survival and increase their time with their new adopter.
Associated Humane Societies of NJ
Adopted at 18 years of age on 12/01/2013
Eventually CKD
Passed away on 08/22/2017
NYCACC Manhattan
Adopted at 18 years of age on 09/08/2017
IBD, CKD, Anemia
Passed away on 08/09/2018
NYCACC Manhattan
Adopted at 10 years of age on 10/16/2018
Intestinal blockage
Passed away on 11/22/2018
NYCACC Manhattan
Adopted at 15 years of age on 12/14/2018
Congestive Heart Failure & Arrhythmia
Passed away on 06/03/2020
Join us in our mission!
Your donations allow us to continue to help senior cats that deserve a chance to live their final chapter with love and proper care. Help us provide for their care and ensure their story ends with love and compassion...