Memorial Donations

We are immensely grateful to our donors who have chosen to make a donation  to Senior Cat Action Network in memory of their own (or a loved one's) cat - continuing the love they shared by improving the lives of super senior cats who aren't as lucky as they had been.


RIP 12/15/2022

Alissa was lucky enough to be adopted as a senior and spend 2 1/2 years being adored for all of her floofy purrfection!


2003 ~ 2022

"There is an empty place in our house where your meow should be."
Beltane was deeply loved by his family and we can see why...


RIP 12/30/2021

Benny (aka Big Ben) was found as a stray and blessed his human with love for almost 15 years


In loving memory - Laura & Jen

Bert lived to be 21 years old and was the sweetest cat ever... ​​​​​​​


2004 ~ 2022

"Biggie was a curious, rambunctious boy even in his old age. He had purrs and slow blinks to dish out to everyone, even strangers. He is immensely missed by his family."


RIP 01/10/2023

Blake was almost 19 when he passed away and was honored by a friend of his loving family - he is deeply missed. 🖤


In Loving Memory

Callie was honored by a friend of her family - a truly beautiful girl that forever left paw prints on her family's hearts


2005 ~ June 22, 2021

Chibita was love, and his absence pings in the hearts of his family every day. NO BAD DAYS


RIP 11/2022

Donnie was all love - a purrfect companion and a purrfect snuggler. And 100% handsome.


RIP 02/15/2022

Ling (aka "Old Lady") was the epitome of charisma - full of sass, but with an abundance of love for her Mom, Kristin

Liz Lemon

2005 ~ 2021

This sweet ginger girl (quite a rarity!) is deeply missed by her family


In loving memory - Gaby N.

"Lucy taught me that there is no such thing as “unconditional love”. There is only love."


RIP 2021

The loss of Maggie has left her Mom forever missing this amazing little girl


RIP 2021

Mattie was a smart, friendly and mellow cat that was deeply loved by his family


02/01/2007 ~ 05/24/2022

Sweet, spunky, resourceful, talkative, stubborn, expressive and smart are just a few words Miles' Mom, Jaci, used to describe this handsome boy


2000 ~ 2017

Sibling or cousin to Muffin...forever loved by his Mom


2000 ~ 2020

Sibling or cousin to Mishka...forever loved by her Mom


RIP 08/20/2018

Newton was a true companion in every sense of the word and is deeply missed and forever loved by his Mom


In Loving Memory - Carrie B.

Smilo was his Mom's bachelorette cat and saw her through some very trying times. He loved sleeping on his Mom and getting scratches, and in turn she loved him completely. 


RIP 01/18/2023

Smudge was lucky enough to be adopted as a senior after his owner could no longer care for him, living the dream for his last 4 years

Taco Belle

07/18/2002 ~ 07/23/2020

Taco Belle was deeply loved for 18 years by her cat Mom, Claudia.  A love like this will live on forever in the heart...


RIP 04/18/2022

Tiggher lived to be 22 years old (6 years with CKD) because of the love and dedication of her amazing Mom, Mary

Guidestar Platinum Seal of Transparency
2020 through 2024

Shelter Animals Count Participant